I'm Done with FABO

Just so everyone knows I have been on here for just a short time and I have meet some nice people so this doesn't go to ya'll.
I have now posted several post and almost everyone of them except just a few I get any kind of response. I guess this is because I am NOT a gold member. Well oh well I have two teenagers and one is driving and I needed some kind of quick answers to get him back on road. And dont have the extra money to buy a membership. There were 37 views but nothing on my last post and nothing. I know this isn't an instant message post but I see post everyday that get answered in 10 min or less. Have a good one FABO I'm done.



Sorry to read this. But I'd like you to take a min. and read up on my 2 cents that I think is important about this site and your lack of responses.

You need NOT be a GOLD member for better response or response time in anyway shape or form.

Gold members are given that title for there small dontaion to the site for it's operating expenses and are given a small (Very small) section not seen by others because they contain much more risky sub board that we here think should not be for the public eyes due to risky photo's and topics that we the board members/owners and operaters think CHILDREN should not be able to see by a simple point and click.

This site, not being an instant message like site is veiwed by many looking for answers and few giving answers or ideas for the issue at hand.
(As for myself, I answer what I can in my limited knowledge while having a chore of a MOD and it's duties which is alot more than I thought it would be.)

Sometimes a question is a seldom seen problem and may take some time to answer. Often is the case with my questions. I normally get a low response due to it's odd nature or it's in depth/deep nature of the question.

Hang in there. Some questions are easy to answer, some require wiring schmatics (SP!) or a mechanic that has been there and done that. And theres not exactly alot of ex Chrysler/garage mechanics hanging around this board doing nothing but cruiseing around looking to answer questions in there retirement/off time.

Remember, this board is an easy way out of hard work and detective work via opening up books or simple trial and error of blindly seraching for the answer yourself. This is the way I learned much of how these things work. Often stranded on the road far from home.

Just hang in there and relax some. Those that can help will help. That is what the board is all about and how we act here.