I'm Done with FABO

Just so everyone knows I have been on here for just a short time and I have meet some nice people so this doesn't go to ya'll.
I have now posted several post and almost everyone of them except just a few I get any kind of response. I guess this is because I am NOT a gold member. Well oh well I have two teenagers and one is driving and I needed some kind of quick answers to get him back on road. And dont have the extra money to buy a membership. There were 37 views but nothing on my last post and nothing. I know this isn't an instant message post but I see post everyday that get answered in 10 min or less. Have a good one FABO I'm done.


bye then, dont let the door hit ya on the way out...stuff like that just happens sometimes. Ive posted before and after a week only got 2 replies..sometimes people dont know and sometimes they just dont care(about the posts topic) and just skip over it without even reading it. sometimes its just because the server is just not "busy"(not a lot of activity). But normally stuff gets answered but it takes a while..im assuming people just do not spend most of their time on FABO waiting to answer questions instantly after they were asked.

I mean a exact for example is..I looked at some of your posts and saw the vacuum lines one..since I know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about then except if you have a leak the car can run bad..thats a topic I

1) cant answer
2) know nothing about
3)would normally just skip over and not bother to read since I know nothing on the subject
4) when I think I have one I get someone that actually knows what they are doing/how to fix it to look at it I figure thats why god invented mechanics..they know that kind of stuff :)

oh im not a gold member either..ive long been debating selling the 340 Dart Sport because im just not as "into" it(the whole scene in general) as I used to be..I guess most of that rests in the FACT that now that I have kids IF something goes wrong on the car and it needs any "serious" work..I just dont have the $$ to fix it and that kinda limits my enjoyment of it.