HELP - Removing instrument cluster on a 70 dart

Hey Cecil, you have not seen me. Kind of fill up the entire front of the interior so I know what spam in a can feels like, Anyhow back to this task at hand.
'On my cluster pulls I always drop the steering column, then take out the wiper and headlight switch due to not wanting to scratch up the bezel. If you get upside down and look up the back of the dash cluster there are two rectangular black plugs about an inch long by about 3/8ths thick. There are about seven wires in each of them. One is near the wiper switch above and a little to the center of the custer. The other plug is near the headlight switch pretty much directly above it. Note, (take care when removing both of these plugs not to bend or twist as the pins on the cluster break pretty easy). After these plugs are removed near where the plug was on the wiper side of the cluster is a red wire and a black wire. Both of these have a 3/8ths nut holding each one on the cluster. Take both of them off. Next to remove the speedo cable just put a long common screwdriver on the leading edge of the plastic housing from directly under where the steering column was and reach up with your other hand and gently push the back of the raised 1/4 by 1 inch tab. At the same time just give the screwdriver a easy push and off comes the speedo cable. Then just take out the five screws on the front of the bezel and remove the cluster. Another note, (DO NOT FORCE THE CLUSTER OUT). Just a little wiggle here and there and pull the top out first kind of like opening the glove box if you catch my drift and it will come out easily. Just take it slow and dont hit the pins on the cluster on the top edge of the dash when it comes out. Sounds a little complicated but in reality take less than an hour. Good luck.
Oh yeah, do remove the battery cables first thing before getting near any wiring!!!!