tuning help needed

Finally got back with Bill and worked on the Chally yesterday and made alot of progress. Found a bad plug wire, the throttle wasn't quite opening all the way, and I rechecked the timing and found it was alot slower than I initially thought. Don't know what I did wrong the first time I checked it but yesterday it was only 9 degrees initial and 19 degrees total. I looked down through the breaker plate and see somebody has welded up the slots to nearly nothing. We didn't have time to pull the dist. and grind the slots open some so I advanced it to 20 initial which is as far as it liked without kicking back on the starter. It also didn't like quite that much at idle but at least that got it up to 29 degrees total. I also rebuilt the carb and jetted it up on each end and installed the standard spring in the secondaries as it had a heavier one. It runs like an entirely different car now. On the back road where I have an approx. 1/4 mile marked off we ran it last time and it only hit 85-86 mph it ran a little over 100 yesterday. Next chance we get we'll pull the dist and grind open the slots a little to get the total timing up to 37~38 and see how it likes that.