what about a 383 stroker??
I could build a 451 a little cheaper than a 431 but I cant beat the price of the 383. FREE!!! the rotating assembly is a little more costly about $100 bucks. i can pick up the whole roataing assembly ballanced for about $2100 dollars. The line hone and deck i can do at my buddies shop pretty cheap. The heads will be the question. A good set of high flow heads will be another $2500 but these will be 77cc heads which will give me outstanding compression and good flow numbers. I could probly run the head it has now for a while with just a good valve job and still make decent numbers. Either way I know its going to cost about 5K to build but with my 340 running like it does there is no hurry and if I can get the lower half done the top half can come along slowly.