So, TTi says my Hookers are made wrong, are they full of crap?
I did get the two different adapters. The Driver's side looks like it'll fit.
I did call TTi. They sat its Hooker's fault.
As far as tolerance stacking, I can understand that, and I'm definitely not adverse to massaging something to make it fit.
Meh. Maybe the flange on my headers is crooked from where the "spec" is. All they would have to do would be sell the goddam adapter either with a floating flange on it or sell the flange loose. You're gonna have to weld on the exhaust anyways, and it would be *less* work for them.
With as little racing as I'll be doing, I should just put the stock manifolds on. Oh wait, then I'd need pipes to fit those to the exhaust too. LOL!