So, TTi says my Hookers are made wrong, are they full of crap?

He called TTI and told them the problem, they asked for the measurement and bent up a new adapter to fit and sent it to him.

At a few shows, I've spoken to different TTI reps at their vender tents.
Some have been friendly and very informative and a couple others couldn't care less to talk to me.
Maybe you got the jackass when you called.[-(

Dude sure didn't offer to bend anything up for me.I don't know if he was a jackass or not, but he wasn't interested in doing anything other than telling me I was on my own.

Ha Ha, here's something I just happened across on another forum. NOT searching for TTi issues BTW.

Cudacollins: What site is that post from? hard for me to respond without a link. The Hookers do fit, but it took some finagling. I didn't have to ding up the pipes, either (though they did get some scratches for sure).