So, TTi says my Hookers are made wrong, are they full of crap?

Actually, I kind of already know they're full of crap, but they blame the headers for the fact that their adapters to run their exhaust system don't fit.

Does anyone think this exit on the passenger side exhaust looks highly unusual?

The TTi piece 'S' curves over to go through the proper place in the crossmember, but is angled such that it totally hits the crossmember instead of passing through the opening. If I have the adapter cut, pipe rotated about 35* and welded back up I'm pretty sure it'll fit, it just seems like a helluva lot of "tolerance" for Hooker to be loose on.

If anyone's got hookers, or even better hookers and the TTi adapters for their system, I'd be curious to hear what you did.


TTI likes you to use only their products. No mix and match. Kinda' like communism... our way or no way. They could care less about Hooker headers fitting their exhaust pipes. Do the modifications you discussed and make it work. Good luck.