need help on a charity build !!!!!!!!!!!

Well I am trucking along on the build and sweating some key needed parts..Motor being the biggest one! As of right now I have just thrown a Chevy block on the stand to get ready to build a strocker motor due to the fact I got the parts lieing around and wont cost me much. Damn chryslers are expensive to build and done a little better home work on the orig. motor guy. feel like he but a rut in this build i will never get out of. So I am going to make due with what I got. I also wanted to take the time and thank everyone who has taken the time to call or post . It means alot to me to see there is people out there who care. I am so close to getting everything in order . Last night my wife got back to the website on the car and soon it will be ready for everone to view it. I must say it is a hell of a struggle but It is worth it. this build just might kill me but it is worth it. Anyway the grill is calling me and the beer is cold so I am going to have a good day. I will keep you all updated as much as possible and weds. I will know the colors and designs of the car . the kids are designing it! Later Joe