Its ALIVE!!! Just in time for Pinks All Out

Well, with very little run time I took the car to the track Saturday, had a lot of fun and fixed a few problems. I only got two runs in because I missed my second time run when I was re-lashing ALL of my valves (they were all too loose).

First run down the track was a tire spinning 11.56 @ 116.5 mph. Since I missed my second time run while I was working on the car, I just dialed a 12.0 an ran it (the class I was in had 12.0 as the lowest dial you could do). This time I got a good burn out and the car stuck...the converter flashed to 5000 rpm and I had a nice wheels up launch! I ran the car a little past the 1/8th, let off, tapped the brake as I approached the other car, and gave the throttle a whack just before the finish to take the stripe...and I lost, but hey, it was fun (the driver in the other lane cut a perfect .000 light, and I had a lethargic .215 light). I ran an 11.49 that run, but my 1/8th mile time went from 7.36 to 7.20 which I think equates to an 11.20 in the 1/4. Not to bad for the first 2 shake down passes. Tuesday (weather permitting) I'm going to try to tune the carb for MPH at the track.:toothy10: