Anyone ever chopped the top on an A-Body?

Huge amount of work to chop one....and then there is the issue of all the glass that needs to be cut. Chopping 20s thru early 50s cars -yes.
Anything newer-NO! Ever seen a chopped 57 Chevy?? It throws the proportions of the body all off.

...but it sure makes those ugly tri-fives look way cooler!

This is a local car...

The only thing wrong with that photoshop Dart is that they need to shorten up the lower roof section, it makes the top look too long. Other than that I think it looks cool. As for the back window you can build a pocket for it and drop it down into the trunk/backseat area. I have seen that done before on later model (late 60's and 70's) cars before and it saves you from laying the rear window forward or cutting the glass.