Big smallblock power..Turbo?

"as far Momoparman, this canuck right here would really love to shove his hockey stick up your american a$*."

Whoa.......lots of big talk from a tweenager......I hear you suck at hockey and couldn't find the net if it was draped over your head so I'm not concerned aboot your skills (lack of) with your hockey stick.

Why don't you just shove that Hockey stick up your own portal and make yourself look like a silly Canucksicle.

FO and your welcome for your country's freedom and thanks for allowing terrorists to have safe harbor in your country.....we AMERICANS thank you for your fence walking attitude and lack of commitment towards fighting off the scourge of this world.

Must be embarrasing to know that Venezuela has a larger military force than yours does.

For some reason you seem to have a problem with my age and my country...first off, age is not an indicator of anything, especially since your last post just proved how freakin immature you are and your probably old enough to be farting dust all over your pimped out cuda...and then to slander my country? like i said before id love to shove a stick up your ***, but it seems like you already have one shoved up there, so ill give you the chance to take it out first...this isnt the politics forum, and i dont intend to turn it into that, so stop bitching and blaming my country for your own country's problems...if you have anything to say to this, it will probably make you look stupider than you already have, and by the way you also insulted anyone from venezuela as well...remember you started the whole thing about canadians and country of origin in this thread, not me (and ive seen you do it in others as well) so if you cant get along because im canadian and have nothing good to say, then dont say anything at all...I may be a tweenager (though i dont think you even know how old i am) but that doesnt mean i dont have the balls or brains to tell some cocky cranky american to shut it:thebirdm: I love americans like you- for some reason you love to joke about canadians so much with "canuck" this and "aboot" that as though we are some funny type of people because we are not "american"...its americans like you that i cant stop laughing go backpacking in cuba with your flag on your back! LMAO