New Challenger concept

Dodgenut64 said
it does look nice, but for 25k the rustang is the best bang for the buck.

Chocolate vs Vanilla vs Strawberry.... :drinkers: (or more appropriately, I guess, "Bullit" vs "Vanishing Point" 8-) )

I think the new Mustang looks great, very nice updating of the original car. I have no interest in owning one, it does nothing for me.

I still drool every time I look at the new Challenger and plan on plunking my money down as soon as the dealership will take it (6.1, 6 speed :thumblef: )

My street racing days are long past (although I somehow think the rear tires on my new Challenger might have a tendancy to wear faster than the fronts...must be a weight bias issue :yawinkle: ), so who's 'faster' is a moot point. Enough Mustangs, Firebirds, Camaros, etc. saw the 'rubber baby buggy bumpers' on the back of my '74 Challenger to satisfy my ego...

Cruising down the street, the new Challenger (IMO anyway) is every bit the equal (or better!) of the new Mustang...
