Birth of the Blue Missile
The question has been asked; is there any way to remove the dash and leave the front windshield in place? The resounding answer has been NO!
In the imortal words of James T. Kirk "I don't believe in the no win senerio" neither do I.
So here are the steps you must follow to remove the dash and leave the front windshield in place:
1-Strip out everything behind the dash for access to the connectors at the windshield joint.
2-disconnect all fasteners that are attached to the dash including the parking break and the hood release.
3-Drop the stearing colomn enough for the dash sheet metal to clear the studs that the colomn hangs on.
4-At each connection there is a clip and a bolt that must be delt with. First cut the sholder of the clip with a grinder or a dremmel tool so the top is seperated from the bottom. Then with the same tool cut the bottom of the clip and the bolt as close to the sheetmetal as possible. Then push up what remains of the bolt and that connection will have been delt with. Do that with all of the clips and pull the dash straight out.
Klingons, dashes, what's the difference:cheers: