Are you a Biker....

I never ride without a helmet and never without gloves. Another rule of thumb. If ya got a $10 head, wear a $10 helmet. If ya got a valuable head wear a valuable hemet and on the gloves. If and when you go down usually the first thing to touch the ground is your hand as your putting it out to catch your fall. A good pair of boots is always comforting also. Ramcharger, i wonder if anyone is picking up on any of this?
Small Block

I hope so with the exception that I do not agree with helmet laws. It should be personal choice and my choice is to wear a helmet 90% of the time. I always wear gloves (custom made) and chaps if it's a long ride. Nothing worse than being behind a gravel truck on the highway without chaps!

My gear is of the highest quality. Like you say Smallblock, ten dollar head, ten dollar helmet. Ten dollar hide? Go ride in flip flops and shorts. I never, ever let a woman ride with me unless she wore leather from head to toe. :cheers: If she didn't have 'em, it would be "later days babe" until she got it together.

I just cringe when some kid has his girl in shorts on the back of his bike.....