Vinyl Roof Replacement
LX, yours looks good; nice, clean lines and great color.
I think it was to simulate the convertible look, but who knows for sure? Remember the half vinyls on the Dusters? Who thought that was appropriate? Were they saving materials by only doing half the roof? Nothing against the Dusters or the look, it's just kind of funny years later to look back on it. I had a buddy in High School who used to take his girlfriend up on the roof of her father's New Yorker with the Landau padded top and make out with her. He wasn't the father's favorite choice for a boyfriend for the daughter, and my friend did it for spite. Amazing how the 17 year old mind works.
My Money Pit of a Dart is out of the body shop and is @ the roof install shop, and I'm told I should have it back by Friday or Saturday with both the new headliner and vinyl roof installed. I'll post some new photos when I get it home.