3:55 or 3:91?

Your tires are 25.1 inches tall and turn 803 revolutions per mile. 803 x 3.91
equal 3139 rpm at 60. Kinda high. 803 x 3.55 = 2850 at 60mph. Liveable.
803 x 3.23 = 2593rpm at 60. This is assuming you don't have an OD trans.
FYI: 3.91 at 70 would be 3662. I guess it depends how tight you want to
twist it.
It doesn't sound like much but this information is dead on. It is also the reason I went from 3.91 to 3.23. I drive the hwy, alot and the 3.91 was just to tight for me. Go 3.55 the difference isn't that much.