Gifted Mopars... My blessing and curse.
Hey y'all,
I've been fiddling with dodges by no serious action of my own for 8 years now. I seem to be a magnet for them. The first was a 86 Shelby Z Daytona someone gave me with a bent door. Fixed it and blew it up in 2 months, followed by a Caravelle that was the car that wouldn't die.
2 years ago my uncle gave me this beautiful 63 dodge dart wagon with the original 6 sitting in the back of it with a new rebuild, by far the best yet. So I've finally gotten round to getting this thing put together under the hood aside from a few small things to button down.
Here are some pics of the current project.
550 Clifford, some sexy exhaust, and a diff that is going to explode....
Anyway. Howdy y'all. I've got some problems with this thing I hope you can help me with! Thanks!