old manule tranny on 1996 318 help

Mark Nixon, That is some good info, When I tried to do my premagnum to magnum conversion, that would've come in handy. I found out the hard way that the GeN I (87-90) dakota A-535 bellhousing did not support the use of the magnum flywheel, so I scratched my idea and went with an AX-15. The only thing that I would add to Mark's post is that the OBD I PCM's (92-95) don't care if you have an automatic or manual, they aren't programed to control the trans like the OBD II pcms, so as long as you get a magnum flywheel (which I can sell you cheap) you should be set. Also I'd stay away from any of the factory Dakota tranny's, they aren't known for holding up to decent hp/tq applications. That's why I'm converting to a TKO.