The real costs of a slick ride

It took me 6 years to build my car and a whole lot of money. I was single made a decent living so I could do this without affecting anyone else. I did pay someone to do the fab work, mini tubbs,radiator ,fan shroud, mandrell bent headers and exhaust,patch panels,bodywork,custom gas tank,etc. I disassembled the car down to the unibody and put it on a chassis stand. I did all of the paint work on the undercarrige,trunk,engine,compartment,interior. Paid someone to do the exterior paint. I did all of the reassembly of the car. It still cost some coin even with all of my labor. I built this car to keep it for life. If you keep a car for 25 years after all the money you spent on it then I think it's ok. People spend $30,000 on car and don't have it 5 years later. You have to be in the hobby and the car for the long haul otherwise the big dollars you spend you will never get out of it unless it's a really wanted car. Jayson