The real costs of a slick ride

And as for wisdom... everyone I have talked to has told me the same thing. Don't rush it. If the car sits in the garage without much done for a year or two, then so be it. It took my parents 10+ years to build the willys we had and they drove it every year. That car was many many different colors at time and looked like an odd jumble of parts, but it all came together. That's how projects are. Don't stress over the money and finishing it quickly, enjoy the time you spend building and even if it's not pretty, take it to shows, go cruising, and enjoy it. All of that can only help make it more enjoyable.

The car sat for a year and a half with a broken diff, then the junkyard motor blew in it so I was forced to start putting the rebuilt one in. That has taken me about a year. Something I have learned is that just because someone is a mechanic and has a ton of interest in helping you with you project, putting it in their garage can mean lost time and parts. hehe.

90% of the work has been done in the last 3 weeks just because I got it back and now I'm in the full swing. I guess I'm feeling the pressure, but it's a good pressure. I hope to keep up the momentum, but the figures for future bills sometime get scary ha.

I think the labor of love factor is the consensus. If I was doing this because I wanted to make money at it or something I should go to wyotech... but that would pull the enjoyment out of it for me. A project is a project and there is nothing better than making something yourself for sure.

Thanks for all of your encouragement and advice guys!