Fat Blue Fish Build


Sad thing is that I really want to at least get the motor runnin.......head out on the highway........looking for adventure.....and whatever comes my way.........

I'm sorry....I digress.

I wanted to make the all MOPAR show here on the 28th that's on the dirty MO river...pretty cool......with this car.

I already know that's not happening the right way.

It's a hobby......not a job...........right you are.

SO ....I go in the Bee.......bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....cough cough, spew...lerch......wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

Thanks for the words of wisdom....I will relax and enjoy this last part of the build.

And yes.....I did fall off......into a bad hole for a while........bad economy and bad people are our worst enemy's....that and letting them get in your way.....I got a bigger fly swatter so I'm better now.

Thanks for paying attention....good karma your way and to all.
