Celebrity Sighting

My only brush with celebrity was when I was doing a job in Aspen, CO and had to stay overnight. It was off-season so I was able to find a hotel under a 100 bucks a night (plus I got a discount because I lived Glenwood Springs, long story).

I went to a resturant and sat down at the table. I looked at the menu prices and freaked, lol! The waitress said "Sit at the bar and eat, it's way cheaper" and she was right. As I'm munching down my 12 dollar burger 4 guys come in and sit down. They were all in their mid 40s to early fifties and it was obviuos they all had money. Big money. They sit down next to me and start talking amongst themselves and they noticed me listening. I said "Don't mind me, I'm just down valley trash." and they all started cracking up. I looked down and noticed a superbowl ring on one guys hand and looked back up at him. He said "If you don't ask me about this ring and just talk fishing with us, your drinks are on me."

So we all talked fishing, women etc. and when they left they paid my entire tab. Food and all. To this day I have no idea who they were. :)