1970 Poison Dart
hey guys, well to sum it all up i lost focus and my grades started to slip and i was plowing down a dirt road. My Dad put a halt on the dart and i moved to my moms house on the other coast of Florida to straighten out. I got my grades to all A's and some B's and graduated a couple days ago. Tomorrow i am moving back to my Dads on the east coast where the dart is sitting untouched where my Dad and I left off. from the posts i can tell you were wondering what happened so i figured i would be straight up about it. We are going to continue on where we left off and hopefully complete it very soon here. I didnt have access to a computer explaining my absence for such a long time, i cant wait to get back in the garage. Thanks for all the compliments so far and we will post pics as we progress. Take care guys and MOPAR 4 LIFE.