1970 Poison Dart

hey guys, well to sum it all up i lost focus and my grades started to slip and i was plowing down a dirt road. My Dad put a halt on the dart and i moved to my moms house on the other coast of Florida to straighten out. I got my grades to all A's and some B's and graduated a couple days ago. Tomorrow i am moving back to my Dads on the east coast where the dart is sitting untouched where my Dad and I left off. from the posts i can tell you were wondering what happened so i figured i would be straight up about it. We are going to continue on where we left off and hopefully complete it very soon here. I didnt have access to a computer explaining my absence for such a long time, i cant wait to get back in the garage. Thanks for all the compliments so far and we will post pics as we progress. Take care guys and MOPAR 4 LIFE.

Great to hear that you got your life back on track, that is what counts, guess you got another experience. Keep focus on your life and the rest will come per automatic.
Take care and post some more pic of your Dart when you can.
It´s looking awesome.