Missile's New Rear Quater Panels

Hey guys,
I appologize for not remembering this is also a DYI kind of site. Sometimes you get so excited about having acomplished something you thought outside of your skill set, that you jump right to the end of the process and tell all about it.

I thought I would add some process pics for those who are looking for the steps in between the rust and the finished panel.

the first is a pic of the panel I banged out of flat sheet metal.
the second is the prep of the rear quater setting it up for the panel flanger
and the third is the panel flanger at work.
After that I screwed the panel back in place and welded it in. Removed the screws and welded the holes shut.
Hope this helps someone.

rearquater 6.jpg

rearquater 7.jpg

rearquater 8.jpg