Two F*cking idiots destroy a 73 dart

Sad to see they were from Pa. Those 2 sorry son of a bitches and the scum that raised them, should have been drowned at birth. The sad thing is your tax dollars will feed and cloth them for the rest of their lives while they multiply.

Oh please. This and all the other comments over a beater Dart with rotted quarters and floor pan extensions. Likely rotted aprons, floors and big 'ol plate welded to the torsion bar mounts.
That thing could have been a pristine 340 Demon. If the goof poundiing on it owns it, guess's HIS property to do with it as he wants, I could care less.

Guess you all must get in step with what total strangers think you should do, or not do with your property. This new bunch in Washington is going to love you guys.:love4: