Replacing Ignition Switch in 73 Duster

I guess I should open a service manual cause my memory sux. There is one piece in there with a pin driven through it. That pin is hidden under a thin sheetmetal sleeve. The pin is larger on one end and goes out only one way. With the wheel centered ahead the pin could bust the drivers door glass on its way out. Thats the way it goes out, with a hammer and drift pin

That sounds more like it. How do you get at the pin? It looks like there is a place where the possible sleeve is kind of cut and dimpled in so i'll see if i can pull it back, or something, or just try hammering. I have not hammered any pins out yet, and this is the last piece left before I can take the ignition switch out. The snap rings were a pain, took me about 30 minutes of frustration with 2 screwdrivers to get them out. If I can't get the pin out tomorrow I'll take some pics and post them up