Auto Storage Bags - any experience/input?

I'll probably be storing my car for at least a year and was thinking of "bagging" it. Has anyone used a storage bag? Or know which one to use?
Any ideas, experience or input welcome.

I have used a "Car Bag" for several years. I'm not sure if they are still available, I got mine through an ad in Hemming.

This was one product that really lives up to it's hype. I stored my 66 Formula S in it for several years in a moderatly damp garage and the car came out every year looking like it was in an Arizona garage. The coolest thing about it was the car is an unrestored survivor which has a "slight old car smell" and when you opened up the car bag, the first thing you noticed was the smell.
The bag comes with packages of dessicant which go inside the car bag and inside the car and they work great. Also has a smooth working large zipper.
I also stored my drag car in it and it worked great. Was a little pricey back then, maybe 15 years ago about $235 but it kept my old cuda really nice.