Dirtbag Duster

looks really really great!
I like the paint and the stripes (hope to get mine applied during the next weeks) and of cource the hood!
what about the quality and fitting accuracy of the hood? any rework required?

I was very happy with the hood. It was not perfect, but not bad either. It fit ok relative to the fenders and cowl, but the hinge bolts did not fit. The holes were too close to the top of the hood, so I had to take a die grider to the hinges and make the slots bigger.

You need low tension hood springs. I have those and it still seemed way too stiff at the top of the hood's travel. So I limited the travel with a couple rubber bumpers that the hood hinges bump up against.

The hood needed some blocking out and a little filler. If you're not picky, maybe it would look ok if you just scuffed it and painted it. Since I went with semi-gloss, I wanted it straight.

Good luck with your car!
