Little Johnny

LOL good one. Another version:

Little Redneck Johnny's math teacher asked "If four crows are sitting on a fence and Farmer Bob shoots one, how many are left?"

"None" says Little Redneck Johnny.

Teacher says, "No, if Farmer Bob shoots one, then there would be three left."

Little Redneck Johnny replies, "Your wrong. As soon as bob shoots the others will fly off. So there will be none left."

Teacher says, "Well, for this lesson, that's the wrong answer. But I like the way you think."

LRJ says, "OK, Teacher, I got a question for you. Three women sitting at bar. Each eating an ice cream cone. One is licking hers. One is biting hers. The last one is sucking on hers. Which one is married?"

Teacher says, "I reckon the one sucking on hers."

LRJ says, "NOPE. It's the one with the wedding ring, BUT I LIKE THE WAY YOU THINK."