MSD Coil replacement

My instructions do not say that, granted they are about 15 years old so maybe they were made better.

That's most certainly a possibility. I do recall a similiar warning on Accel super coils from back in the mid 80's.

As to the terminals if you are going to use the stock coil mount on a big or small block then the coil is in the horizontal position, you want to make sure the terminals are also horizontal, not one hood side and other intake side. just my two cents...

OK, I understand where your coming from now but why would this hold true? I always mounted the stock coil in this manner but just considered it a way to keep the primary terminals away from any possible path to ground.

MSD recommends that you change to a 0.8 ohm ballast resistor. My understanding is that it will provide protection to your ignition control box. I followed the recommendation to be sure and have had no problems.

Yes! A ballast resistor must be used with a Mopar ECU.