Happy B-day memike!!!

Wish you was here so I could take a ride to the state line in your 66 Valiant :cheers: Thank you for all the great times and part's :-D Oh and the MoPar babe thread :toothy10::-D=P~

Happy Birtday Mike and don't drink to much LOL... Jim
I waited till today Chief :cheers: I was busy with family and lov'in it.
And you can see I have been well taken care of. It's time to toss the cigarettes away. I am hopping to meet you this year at Monster Mopar Weekend 68383GTS :-D Thank you for the good advice8)

Let's see now.....Birthday presents in your birthday suit....Hummmm !!
I must have for got to open that present yet :-D That would be her present :-D

Happy Birthday Memike!! Cheers!! :drinkers:
There you are brother :cheers: Thank you:-D and here's to your fellow ship bud :cheers: I raise my drink to you all :happy10: