1964 barracuda

Welcome. Hope you like the site. Your '64 'Cuda looks like my wife's '66 below. I like your occupations from your profile, "truck driver/preacher." 2 honorable careers.(3John1:2) I'm gonna give you a quote from Toolmanmike awhile back that really helped me post photos when I couldn't figure it out. Paint program in your Windows system is easy:
I had a problem too until I reduced
the photo size. That also reduces the file size. If your photo is too big there should be a warning at the top of the box. Imy small photo is reduced to 75 kb(575x435). It 's hard to explain how to do it but I did it in paint. Go to start, all programs, accessories, and paint. There should be a blank screen. In the upper left - file, open, and search and click on where ever you keep your photos. Click or double click on the photo name to put it on the paint screen. goto the top and click on image then on stretch/skew. There should be a % box to reduce the photo size. I used 25% for the little thumbnail under my name and 42% for my profile in photo garage. click on file/save and you can go back to them whenever you need to.

Double 'Cudas 004-25%.jpg