904 issue in my new Duster

Sorry, I don't have any pictures... I could probably round some up at work on monday.
The adjustments and torque values are different between a 904 and a 727, so I would pick up a haynes or chilton manual for the exact procedure.

As far as adjusting the transmission, (while I had the pan off) I would adjust the rear band to specs, then I would re-torque all of the valve body bolts to spec., adjust the front band to spec, replace the filter and pan, fill the trans with fluid, adjust the kickdown linkage and test drive.

After the trans is operational, connect a line pressure gauge to the accumulator test port on the right side of the transmission. Whith the rear wheels off the ground, disconnect the kickdown linkage and start the engine. In drive you should have around 60 psi in drive and moving the kickdown linkage to the full rearward position, pressure should increase to about 95-100 psi. If it does, you are o.k. If it does not, there are two adjustments you can make on the valve body, line pressure and throttle pressure. These are the two hex screws on the side of the transmission right beside the P/N switch. To accurately adjust line pressure beyond the "baseline" adjustment outlined in the service manual, turn the hex screw for line pressure (the one with the fat spring) one full turn for every 1.5 psi... clockwise to decrease pressure... counterclockwise to increase. After line pressure is adjusted, there is a special gauge tool for setting throttle pressure... I've got one at work... I could send you the specs on monday.