Rescue Mission- '71 Dart GT saved from the scrappers!

Nice save!!
Of course I might be partial to '71 Dart GTs!!

Yeah maybe just a little :-D. That's ok, apparently I am too!

Good looking color on it.

You know, I keep getting surprised by some of these mopar colors. I really prefer TX9 (I know, black isn't very original), but of course NONE of my cars are TX9. And yet I really kind of like the colors on all of 'em. Of course all of my cars also need bodywork and paint, but I think the Challenger will stay blue (maybe not B5, but blue), the Butterscotch '71 is definitely going to stay butterscotch (gonna keep it all original and since its a plymouth color it actually had to be ordered that way). Not 100% on the bronze GT yet, but the bronze is really growing on me. 8)