Good Bye Flowmasters!

Mullinax, that thing is loud (my opinion, I like silence) (:):). I think tailpipes will help the resonation you are going to get to enjoy when you drive it UNLESS you never hover around 2200 to 2500 rpm. Sure looks cool!

Are you sure are listening to my last video ... LOL!

It is really quite compared to the Flowmasters. My video camera picks up the flomasters better than the Ultras for some reason. The last video sounds like air shooting out of a air hose or something instead of what it actually sounds.

I don't have any resonating but have not drove it with the windows up either or if that even matters. My car has never had that problem for some reason. My truck has a resonating in it so I know what you are talking about.. it has flosmasters on it. It's that HUMMM that will not go away!!

I stopped by a friend mine who has his own shop and told him about what I did today losing the Flows... he said he lost his years ago to the Dynomax Ultras and now he has bunch of people doing the same after hearing his ride. He of course liked the way my car sounded.