SRT8 Dart - Finished!

Outstanding car! I'm not too far from you, in Northern VA. just outside Springfield VA. We have several Abodies that are regulars to the local cruise scene. Perhaps we can meet up for a local cruise in MD.?

How about a general background description, i.e. started with a 1968 Dart (was it a /6 car, 318, or 340 factory car), ended with the following subassemblies:

1) Alterkation front end; which exhaust system used (custom)?

2) Which dash bezel / insert and what gauges? which wiring harness used?

3) What rear in the car (A body 8.75?)? Rear discs?

4) the body and paint work --- local, whi did it and what was needed?

5) the interior --- which seats, which mounting tracks?

OUTSTANDING JOB on this car!
Congrats on a job well done!