Newbie from Kenosha Wisconsin
Hey everyone, I'm a 28 year old Mail man from Kenosha Wisconsin. I served 6 years in the Air Force as an AMMO troop were I built Bombs and took care of AIM-120 missles. I have a 1973 Dart Sport. I've owned it since 2000. Istarted with a '72 Duster that was someone elses failed project car I bought in Clovis New Mexico while I was stationed there. The artards hacked the suspension up and welded the stering box to the sub frame. So I bought the Dart body from my good friend Kelly Prine ( who is a member of FABO and responsible for my obsession with Mopars) Stupidly I scraped the perfectly fine Dart Sport front end in favor of the Duster front end. I was 18 and dumb. If I was older and wiser I never would have done it. She's affectionately dubbed the "DartSter" Right away I transplanted a 383 in her. 6 months into ownwership we were moved to Spangdahlem Germany. The DS was trailered, 1/2 complete to Wisconsin where it sat until I separated from the military. It wasn't until I could buy a house and build a garage that I have been able to work on her. I've been working on and off for the last year on her. Last week was her maiden voyage, I drove 3 times around the block! I still have a lot of work to do but, it's getting there...... :thebirdm: