turbo 360

To answer your question on the effect....very little.

All turbo's are nothing more than Air Compressors. A T70 would be plenty of turbo for a 5.2/5.9, and like I said before, will support upwards of 700hp.

The only reason people upgrade turbo's is:
You can only stuff so much air through a certain size hole...the more you air you want to stuff, the bigger hole you need.

A T70 signifies the " 70 " mm compressor inducer (the inducer is the leading edge of the compressor wheel)., the Exducer, is the exiting edge Aof the compressor wheel.

You can stuff quite a bit of air in one of those, and its a great start for a newbie to forced induction...because the initial cost is low, and they are available with many different exhaust sides. When you get your engine/trans/rear/chassis dialed in to the new horsepower that forced induction yields, you can spec out a turbo to put you at the specific power level you desire....for now, I recommend a MP T70 with .96 a/r for Dodgestrike.

A T70 @ 14 psi is fully capable of pushing a 360 equipped duster into the LOW, Low 11's @ 120 +....if you want more, you need a bigger inducer and more boost.