New to Mopar

Hi Im new to Mopar. But I think im converted. I have a 67 Barracuda that I am building. I baught it 5 years ago with my father and it has pretty much sat in the garage. I dont know the feeling of the people of this site so please dont get offended when I say im not restoring it to original. Infact Im building a bad @$$ street Strip Car. I have recently come into a position where I can actually afford the time and money to get this thing built. I have some questiones and thought this would be the place to ask them. First of all are the RMS front end and 4 link rear kits worth the money. Remember this will be a street driven car Im gonna guess 90 % with the ocasional trip to Epping and Naperville. Would like top hear from people that have actually used these parts. Thanks in advance