My year long budget transformation is complete.

Yes, I know 440WIP! It's pissing me off! He ordered me the cheapest stroker Eagle crank too. He always acts like he's done me the favor. He's like, "Well, I got you up to a 400!" I don't know? "He got me"? Gee? I didn't pay him for it or anything?? I mean at least I've seen all the parts there, so I hope this all washes out in the wash.
I've spent a lot more time on his site then he has on my engine! but then as he puts it, "I'm using there expertise, and skills". Whatever! I don't doubt that they have "skills", but they are just sitting on it.
I just may be holding his site "hostage" pretty soon, if things don't get moving. I'm also in school and don't feel like installing the engine during winter break when its -40 degrees!