FABO calender

Pharmboy, I'll save you some time and digging. Almost 20 years in the legal field has to be good for something even though I don't use it now. LOL

This is totally open for suggestions and is merely a first draft; lots of legalese (sorry about that) but it has to be that way to be enforceable and effective.

It's saved in Word format (easily edited) and can be forwarded to the appropriate moderator(s) for formal use and distribution later if this thing ever gets off the ground.

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I, the undersigned, hereby grant to ForABodiesOnly.com (hereinafter, “FABO”), permission to use, exploit, adapt, modify, reproduce, distribute, publicly perform and/or display, in any form now known or developed, the photographic material specified in this Release (“the Materials”) throughout the world, by incorporating the Materials into a calendar (“the Works”) and/or any commercial, informational, educational, advertising or promotional materials relating thereto.

I release and hereby agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless FABO, its agents, employees, licensees and assigns (collectively, “Released Entities”) from any and all claims I, or any third party, may have now or in the future for invasion of privacy, right of publicity, copyright infringement, defamation or any other cause of action arising out of the use, exploitation, reproduction, adaptation, distribution, broadcast, performance and/or display of the Materials. I further agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Released Entities from and against any lawsuit or cause of action against the Released Entities based upon, arising out of, or otherwise relating to the Materials, including, without limitation, any cause of action relating to copyright infringement.

I hereby waive any right to inspect or to approve any Works that may be created using the Materials, and further waive any claim with respect to the eventual use to which the Materials may be applied.

I understand and agree that my submission of (a) photograph(s) and signature on this Release constitute my consent to use, exploit, adapt, modify, reproduce, distribute, publicly perform and/or display said Materials but fully understand and agree there is no guarantee FABO will do so.

I understand and agree that FABO is and shall be the exclusive owner of all right, title and interest, including copyright, in the Works, and any commercial, informational, educational, advertising or promotional materials containing the Materials.

I understand and agree that I will receive no compensation whatsoever in exchange for the use, exploitation, adaptation, modification, reproduction, distribution and/or public performance or display of the Materials or Works.

I am of full legal age and have read this Release and am fully informed of and familiar with its contents. By their signature(s) below, a minor’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) indicate, on behalf of their minor child, their full and unqualified consent to the terms of this Release.

NAME: _________________________________ AGE (if minor): _____________

SIGNATURE: ____________________________ DATE: ___________________

NAME OF PARENT?GUARDIAN (if minor): _______________________________

SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN (if minor): __________________________

ADDRESS: _____________________________________ DATE: ____________
