t5 trans swap?

they say when you use a diaphram type pressure plate to remove the over center spring,,and also if your using a hyd set up,,,,

they claim the over center spring doesnt allow the pedal to release completely,,

i ran a center force dual friction set up for more then 10 years,,only a little over 7000 miles tho,,,i never experienced any of those problems,,

i now have the same clutch disc,,with a new pressure plate,,and a diferent hyd set up,, i have removed the over center spring,,what a pain in the butt to remove,, i see no difference,,, just my experience,,

thanks for the heads up man since i am using a diaphram pp....however, i too am dreading removing the overcenter spring...we'll see whast happens

I have the Keisler setup in my convertible. I had to do lots of cutting and a BFH to make everything work with my tti exhaust and headers. The early a-body is a bear. I'm using the hydraulic TO and slave from Keisler. I wish I had a different slave cylinder. I'm not very fond of the Keisler unit they made for the Early a-bodies.

well i know my swap definatly isnt as hard as what you went through, but nonetheless it required quite a bit of planning, testing, fitting, etc....id say the hardest part right now of the whole thing is figuring out this speedo thing...i am really lost as to how i can make it work...guys who have done it please chime in....and dave, did you remove the overcenter spring in your setup?