FABO calender

OK maybe smut isn't the correct term but people are talking about bikinis and if thats what they want then go buy a S.I. swimsuit issue or view the Hot Babes thread. I come here to learn and look at A Bodys not half naked bodies. Not that theres anything wrong with that, I am deffinitally no prude maybe just a little more mature.:-D
But yeah, one man's trash is another man's treasure. LOL.
I do think it should be family friendly with the procedes/profit going to help others on this wonderful site.

well said... and if there are not enough ladies to pull off 12 months then how about we submit a pic actually working on our cars and then a pic of us with our cars and "prettied" up a little - that should keep things fair and family friendly. I vote for $15.00 entry fee and submit 2 pics and let all the members vote on what they want to see. As far as "A Bodies", i definitely have a strong opinion but I'll keep that to myself and let the mods and members decide. Can someone set up a poll so we can start calculating the results and have something solid to submit to the mods for final decision?