FABO calender

You know I like all mopars, don't get me wrong... but since the calender is for fabo... and the memebers with the a-bodies on here to help create something cool that everyone can have, I don't see a reason to have an E-body in the calender (background or not). The focus should be on the A-bodies. It is the fabo calender after all. I know you dont wanna be left out but I could say the same thing with our roadrunner or my rampage... but they dont belong on there either. Take it how you want, it's just my 2 cents :-D

OK maybe smut isn't the correct term but people are talking about bikinis and if thats what they want then go buy a S.I. swimsuit issue or view the Hot Babes thread. I come here to learn and look at A Bodys not half naked bodies. Not that theres anything wrong with that, I am deffinitally no prude maybe just a little more mature.:-D
But yeah, one man's trash is another man's treasure. LOL.
I do think it should be family friendly with the procedes/profit going to help others on this wonderful site.

Well said!!! This is a place for A bodied Mopar enthusiasts. I say keep the focus on said A bodied Mopars and their owners and families. I would be willing to bet a lot of these cars have neat history that goes much deeper than a pic with a would-be/ want-a-be pin up girl. Don't get me wrong I enjoy that stuff as much as the next guy thats why I am a Gold member so I can enjoy the contents of the Blue forum. If you girls wanta strut your stuff thats GREAT, I am all for it, get however nekid you want and put it in the blue forum where it belongs. Don't forget that some of us have young sons and daughters that we are trying to introduce to the hobby.

Just my $.02 worth
Brad A. AKA BigSlim