FABO calender

We spoke about that as well and that what I feel we should do, multiple cars per month. No people,No bickering, No hard feelings.

There are over 10,000 members, and I know others have suggested leaving the select 12 up to member voting (which is fair), but this gets everyone involved, not just those who's cars have been featured in magazines, on TV, etc. Personally, I would get a kick out of looking back on the years and seeing such and such's ride go from rat's nest to glory. Making the calender as a "feature" car would be feather for the guys who have worked hard to make it that way. They might get a kick out of seeing their own ride progress over the years in such a manner, too, not just in the personal scrapbook. And the new members would be able to see that all phases of work would be appreciated by everyone.
Say for instance, one month might be dedicated to, say, just Demons. Take a vote on the best looking Demon, by consensus of member voting, then surround it with pics of Demons in the process, from those just dragged out a field to those nearing completion. I know you know what I'm talking about, Adam, just clarifying for others.
It puts the emphasis on the car itself.
By way of compromise, though, leave it up to the feature car owner as to how his or her car is photographed with the mods having final say for tastefulness, knowing that the emphasis on the site is family oriented?