FABO calender

Just My opinion but this is forabodiesonly.com I don't recall turning down members for lack of an a body....really if they are a member here it should be game on but showin up with a chevy ferd or a ricer ain't gonna fly...amc's are adopted as far as I know but this is merely my opinion,I don't wanna leave out nobody and my opinion is stated on the other calender thread before I read this thread so hope ya'll don't egg my car or torture me with pic's of camaro's brand breakfast cereal....

SO can I have my rampage in the calender then? ](*,) I'm kidding of course.

But people, back on subject.

I think it would be a good idea to have the calender made with both men and women members of the forum and their cars. What the women want to wear should be their option as long as it's appropriate to be seen by all ages (I dont think we'd have a problem with our members not being tasteful, just sayin).

The ONLY thing that should determine whose car gets into the calender should be the pictures!!! The people that submit the best and most artistic photos should be the ones who get into the calender, plain and simple. Somone could have a nicer car but if your pictures look like crap then your pics shouldnt be considered.

And I really wish I could get some of your cars on our penninsula here on erie, would be able to take some GREAT pics here on the beach and at the dock and such.