Saginaw Power Steering Pump Conversion problems.... AGAIN!

Okay, so if I understand you correctly, then I know that is not quite true. On another topic I posted my setup - here it is again:

1. 72 340
2. converted to pwr from mnl
3. sag pmp from a late 80s Dip
4. Mounting brackets from same Dip
5. pwr steering gear from 71 dart
6. hose ? can't remember, but I had to rebend it a bit.
... the pressure hose that will work with above setup can be gotten from

... but in my case the feed to the pump is the wrong connection type. I have the hose and it matches perfectly, but I never got around to seeing if I could have the fitting changed.

I just found that website yesterday, and shot them an E-mail....

By my guesstimation, it looks like some sort of fitting could work, but it's nothing that I have or can find at the moment...