Help! my windows are a wreck!

hey guys, i tried a bunch more stuff as well as talking to a glass guy...he said more than likely my glass is toast because i used varsol to clean it last year and there is heavy oils in varsol that will etch the glass....funny thing though is that i cleaned it off with glass cleaner after varsol and did the same with my front window last year and its not the same problem, its fine....i think im gonna try the steel wool....its my best bet now

Unfortunately tempered glass is a pores material and will soak up oils and moisture. If you look at the outer edge of a window where the seal goes, you will notice they are almost always discolored, that is because the moisture can't evaporate from under the rubber. I left a back glass laying outside next to a bush for a few years not knowing it will destroy it and when I went to clean it up it was all splotchy and you couldn't see out of it. My glass guy said he comes across this a lot with old cars because people don't think the glass can get damaged unless it gets broke.

I have an extra clear back glass but not a tinted one. I'd sell it cheap but the shipping would probably be more than I want for the glass.

All safety glass used in American cars is laminated (including those made and sold in Canada) and will delaminate, hence the white haze you see around the edges of some windows. Use any dish detergent (dawn, etc) in water and use a new sharpe razor blade. Wet the window with the soap solution and with the blade lying almost parallel to the glass, scrape it gently. Won't hurt the glass unless you get too much angle on the blade and it chatters then it MAY leave a mark. Do a small area at a time and wipe it dry to see your progress.


Only your windshield is laminated, your side and back windows are tempered.